Monday, August 9, 2010

Takeover Code and Offer under Public Announcement

Recently I was talking to a man of fifty years, a post graduate in commerce, having been working as an officer of a nationalized bank. He showed me what is in fact is an open offer issued by the acquirers of a company in pursuance of the SEBI [Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers] Regulations. He was telling me that he had received that offer to purchase his 200 shares way back in 2008. He had didn't hear anything thereafter. He did not write to the comapny nor did he make any complaint about non-receipt of notices and reports. He didn't know that the offer was in pursuance of a regulation. Therefore he didn't even appreciate that reguations exist in the interests of unwary investors like him. In this backdrop we find many a such investors who are not even aware of their own rights nor do they understand that there are regulations issued by SEBI for protecting their interests. India, is a country of masses regulated by a few who know it fully well that the regulations are intended for the masses too but masses do not even know such regulators exist not to speak at all about their understanding the existence and purpose of regulations! In India, retail investors are docile even now;  that is the reason why there is a strong need for a vibrant regulatory authority and swift justice delivery system!   

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